Even the least adventurous among us enjoy the occasional exploration. For those who have been most sheltered, the curiosity of just how much greener the other side’s grass truly is can overcome our best efforts to be good. We do find, though, that once that first step is taken, the second step is much easier - and the third, and fourth. Eventually, our starting point is just a silhouette in the background shrinking out of sight, out of mind. This is the new normal. This is who we are now. There’s no going back. Even if we wanted to, could we? But if you are God’s child, there are times that, no matter how much you tried to suppress it, you heard that still small voice asking you to return. You know this isn’t right. You know you shouldn’t be here right now. You know. But this is what you want. Isn’t it? You’re torn. You’re conflicted. There is a war going on inside. Your friends have no idea. In fact, nobody does - except God. That’s His Holy Spirit drawing you back, convicting you of your sin, letting you know that there’s always a place set for you at His table. So here’s the facts:
October 2020